Feb 5, 2011

lah lah =='

ahh, stress mcm fakk (!)

lw kte ad satu tmpt ni msty best, gle adore zaman kanak2 dulu, keje skola x bnyk, if x ciap un, cg bia kn je.

plajaran x berat sngd, tade bnde y kne pikir, pasal dy, dy and dy.

ble mase na pikir sal diri sndiri pulak ??

snang lah ble org kate, chill, bkn dyorg y rase, i y rase ! tefak ?

lw ad kenkwn best sikid, if ad kwn y twu prob kte, msty x best, t dy pikir mmcm, 

pna skali, mse tu, ad lh skli prob with someone, tetibe, L kate, kw ni mcm x de masalh je .

heh.. kne err tunjok face y ad mslh bile sume org tngah chilling, tngh enjoy ??

urghhh, sumeny problem, if amek this step, ad y takena, if amek other step un, ad jugak y takene, sume ny serba kkurangn,

and bnde pling bnci, i want to be like my father, bank officer , but my mom x kasik, dy kate if nati i da kawen, anak2 x terurus, but , if kte hve fun nan job tu, best ap, lw x, xde mood kud f5