Dec 11, 2011

hey stupid stalker, got some words for you -..-

if u don't like what i wrote here, just get out from here okeh ?
this is my blog read that carefully MY BLOG derr.

i bet u also know the fastest way nak blah dr blog ni kan, tak tekan 'x' hang pi lah tekan 'Alt+F4' itu pun nak kene ajar ek ek? haha, bengong.

and apa yang aku tulis kat sini, this is what i've been through in my life okeh? sukahati lah nak tulis pasal apa pun, daripada 'org' tu, ada blog, tulis bnda merapu, bajet good.good je, puiih. aku bukan seHIPOKRIT itu keyh -..-

dah lah tngh penat, ngntuk, and i keep wake up, but then, u spoil my day, and its enough, i hate it okeh.